Friday, November 6, 2009


The world is changing, so are the people and their mindsets. What we liked before now seems tasteless and colourless. And what we disliked, now unfortunately seems iridescent and flamboyant.

Today is the day of twenty-20. Short and fast! As we say, ‘small is beautiful’, we are minimizing and shortening every other thing, be it the most controversial ODI's(One Day Internationals) to twenty-20 or from 1024 characters on Orkut to 140 characters on Twitter. The indifference is ‘we are lovin it’. From student to teachers, from politicians to celebrities, everyone has accepted it that to with a warm hug. Without preference, we all have been trapped in a cob-web. Our life is moving with such a high pace, that we have less time for entertainment and leisure. If you update someone, you usually (always) say wassup! , heya, Hws life gng?. Not only me but everyone will write this. Lingo is in vogue. SMS is still surviving because nobody has that much patience and tolerance. ‘Have to’ has become ‘hafta’, ‘be right back’ has become ‘brb’ (strange that people comprehend it also). Nobody is interested in putting so much labour to write the whole spelling!! Appalling reality is now even dictionaries include such lingo’s and have a separate section for SMS language!!

If you want to update your status, so ‘tweet’ in 140 characters (now even 140 is much for me!) Earlier it was 1024 characters on orkut (c’mon! now we don’t hafta write a novel huh! ). In this fast world, people are expressing more in less word or better say alphabets and exclamatory marks. We all are now habitual with it. We want to have the same quantity of dose in small packets and in ‘short time’. We love early and fast delivery! And if you fail to deliver on time then we get it for free! B-)

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