The world I dwell in,
where everybody slowly deceases,
and I slowly come into being..
when the smog clears, I come forward..
The world I dwell in,
where everybody is barmy or am I ?!
when everybody sleeps, I open my eyes,
to see my cosmos, my dreams, my yearnings..
This faint sheen gives me the ability, the energy..
the hope that recedes, clears its dust..
my wings yawn, my eyes twinkle..
every one goes dead and I am 'born'..
only a true self can vision me,
serene and tranquil breeze~~ I fly with..
I touch the zenith..
I touch the dust..
I touch 'you'..
My tears dry, assuaging all pains,
smile sparkles as the queer light falls..
I become despotic.. I own the zone !!
And I am here till the fluorescent and vibrant
light forces me to close my eyes.........!!